Hello, Beauty

I’m Saige. I’m an initiated High Priestess, Mother + Designer who empowers mystical women to unfold a life-giving legacy that’s in alignment with their truest nature.

Titles aside, I see myself as simply an instrument and servant for God.

I’ve devoted my life to following the instruction of the divine and found the greatest miracles form not from getting every single thing we think we desire, but from truly connecting into the voice of our soul to unearth our most authentic creations.

I have a background in interior design — and over 15 years of training in the healing, coaching and spiritual arts. Somewhere along my journey I began to weave together both my gifts in tangible design with the unseen subtle energy magic, and here we are today. Birthing temples and supporting visionary women around the globe to design their life legacy to be the purest reflection of their inner radiance.

I see myself as both a master of my craft and also an eternal beginner. My clients are sacred mirrors and active co-creators and it’s through the alchemy of each divine encounter that the miracles truly take form. It’s my honor to steward this work.

How The Rosewater Temple was birthed

As a child she first came to me in my imagination as an etherial castle in my Springtime backyard — bursting with flowers and fireflies. As an adult she manifested herself as a business, though she still remains a garden / playground of sorts. She’s her own goddess with her own mission that holds a vision of a Heaven on Earth for the collective.

 The mood of the Temple is a Middle Eastern desert picnic - a moonlit swim in a phosphorescent sea, a Priestess party in ancient Egypt. We see and honor the subtle energies and mysticism in everything and are here to amplify the magic. We believe in beauty as a healing remedy, the world as an altar and aligned action as a living prayer.

I didn’t always feel so empowered and free to channel and create, express or celebrate magic. There was a long period of my life in my twenties were I had forgotten who I truly was. I was out of touch with my psychic abilities and trying desperately to avoid and power through my energetic sensitivities. Looking back I can see how I was on survival mode for many years, not understanding my true role on this Earth.

After I gave birth to my children, there was a turning point. During postpartum I felt the pains of a world that didn’t seem to fully honor and support the motherhood transition. I went through a portal of awakening and it my soul suddenly remembered another way. After a major dark night of the soul - I was initiated into my role as a modern Priestess.

That darkness was a portal into my reclamation of my true nature. I remembered my power and within a year (and many leaps of faith) I built a successful business supporting visionary women around the globe to courageously step up to their own divine callings and reclaim their sovereignty, liberation and soul purpose.

I now live with my family in a Jungle village near the sea an Island in Hawai’i. I spend my time writing, making art, pouring love into my businesses, nourishing my family and connecting to the Earth.

Thank you for being here on this planet at this time and walking through your own personal initiations to bring forward your sacred visions.

Your beauty is seen and celebrated.

Let’s connect

It takes a Village to build the New Earth dream.

For general inquiries, collabs, press or invitations, connect with us at: hello@therosewatertemple.com