Creating Abundance

Here's a question I asked a client recently:

“So are you wanting to run an elevated business or just be everyone's free inspiration?”

There's a huge difference between holding a frequency where people around you tell you “wow, you're so inspiring!” VS. “wow, you've clearly mastered things I haven't yet, I'd love to pay you to learn from you.”

What's the difference here? It comes down to our boundaries and our honoring of our worth.

If you're running a business where you share your intangible energy medicine gifts and unique perspectives to help others elevate their lives – your boundaries are going to need to be clear so that you're not always getting put in the free counselor zone. 

Some may try. There's a subtle shadow of the feminine I like to shine light on… where woman may desire proximity to your energies without honoring the true dynamic of the mentorship / mentee relationship playing out.

It's not usually conscious or meant to be disrespectful, people can't see what they can't see. 

But my love, you CAN see what you've mastered. You can see the hours of trainings, the retreats, the embodiment practices you've cultivated to be sitting in your particular zone of mastery. 

It's not other people's job to honor your energy if you don't. You are the one who determines what you're available for, or not. 

For me, as mother, a wife, a land steward and an entrepreneur…  most all invites I receive are a no. 

Unless it is a full hearted absolute heart YES. It's simply a no. 

I no longer take offense when people try and slide in closer than I desire, because my boundaries are clear. I do understand it's my duty to embody my own truth here and when appropriate, to educate people on the dis-service they do to themselves by side stepping their own initiations. 

 What I've found is that it's not usually closer access to YOU that people truly desire, it's more access to their own liberation that they see and admire within you.

So, my reflection question is: Are you sustaining your legacy by honoring your life force OR trying to please everyone and prove how holy and pure you are by sharing everything ya got til there's nothing left for you?

You can give so much more when your cup is actually full. The potency of your medicine is felt on a deeper level when you feel nourished, prosperous and inspired yourself. Then instead of sliding scales for your precious 1:1 time — you can actually fuel a social mission with your overflow.

Believe me, as the child that was rewarded for my pure heart and became known for my saying “you like it? It's yours” I've had to learn a lot about how to give myself the same abundance that was so easily flowing to everyone else around me.

This is Holy too.

Understanding your worth and honoring your time is the only way others can too.

It's a nervous system re-calibration to allow yourself to expand into a version of self that honors receiving as naturally as giving.

It's a way more sustainable to be a woman who receives healthy reciprocity (not just compliments) for all the ways she inspires, teaches and leads.

It requires showing up consistently to the altar of our work in this world with as much devotion as we do our service.

If you're helping, healing, lifting everyone around you — put an invoice on it sister. All parties involved will receive more from honoring the sacred rather than from siphoning.

 I promise you, there are respectful long term soul clients out there who say things like:

 "Yesss sister!! I LOVE paying you for your mirroring and endlessly MORE on this journey. Clunky words because it's truly an untranslatable gift to have your presence and wisdom and energy in my corner and paying for it is a privilege"

 Know your worth. Honor your time. Cultivate your loving boundaries and let yourself and those around you prosper. 

And if you desire support, I’m here for you.


Keys to Success


Is your vision clear?