Keys to Success
Hi my love. We all know entrepreneurship is a wild journey that invites growth like no other. Here are a few of my most valuable insights learned during the past 6 years of running a divine feminine business!
Get clear on your vision
What do you want with your business and why? Where are you heading? How do you desire to impact people and why does it matter? Why are you the one to do what you do?
If you don’t know what you want or you are wishy washy in your messaging, people won’t know what you can deliver. Be clear on what you desire, the life you’re creating, who you desire to support and how you desire to do that.
Even if things evolve with time, the energy of clarity and decisiveness holds a much stronger frequency than constantly second guessing yourself. Know your strengths and be able to clearly articulate your services to others so they don’t have to read your mind.
Be willing to grow
The path of entrepreneurship is not always easy. Just like nature, there are seasons of ebbs and flows. You evolve so the business must evolve as well. (Or the business expands and evolves rapidly so you must learn quickly and catch up!) There’s so much to learn, especially with new technologies being released constantly — so being adaptable and willing to see the cosmic humor in all of it makes things much more playful and fun. Try new things! Take risks! Fail some launches! Who cares? At the end of the day, if you’re growing and learning, you’re all good hunny.
Give yourself space
Having the necessary space to nurture your creative flow takes practice.
Last year we tried to homeschool. This was my most challenging year of business. Trying to manage all the pieces of our lives, the land sites + the kids’ education made it feel like we were just treading water to keep up. Both my partner and I are Projectors so out sourcing aspects of our responsibilities is crucial for our family and legacy well being. As usual, we learned by experimenting and then refined as needed to feel more supported.
It’s important to be realistic with the amount of time you need to build your legacy and to find the right support so you can stay in your zone of mastery.
Mastery takes time
There’s no better life teaching than experience itself. It’s through doing, making mistakes, refining, and doing some more that mastery is gained. For example: I feel extremely confident in my ability to create transformation in the lives and legacies of women. I know that I can see my sisters clearly, ask the right questions and call them forward into expansion in all areas of their life. I don’t say this simply because I have an intuitive hunch that I can facilitate these things, but because I have seen results and received re-enforcing feedback for years now. This came as a result of doing. Experiential wisdom cannot be bypassed and it’s never too late to begin taking baby steps towards mastery.
Be You
Nothing beats authenticity. The unique essence you have cannot be replicated. Frequency is felt and when you’re being real, your real soul clients can find you. If you curse in real life, curse in your copy. If you’re funny with your girl friends, be funny online too. Show the range of experience and multi-dimensionality that you hold so that people can feel safe to be all of themselves in your presence. People are hiring you to bring them results, but also because they resonate with your human character. You don’t have to be perfect…be a clear channel sure, but your humanness and realness allows people to relate and trust you.
Demystify success
You don’t have to be special or perfect to be successful. God doesn’t choose some people as worthy and others as not. Yes, we all have a different deck of cards — we each have certain karmic lessons to learn and challenges our unique soul will face, though ultimately, no one is coming along to tell us we are worthy of success. That is choice. Taking (daily) steps to be self accountable, reprogram the subconscious and claim our destiny is what ensures our success. You absolutely will be successful if you choose to be and take consistent actions that reflect that choice. You do have to want it though.
Invest in yourself
All beautiful things require an investment of energy. Want a beautiful garden? Invest in the soil.
Investing in good branding can elevate your message and connect you to the specific souls within your fractal that are meant to resonate with your work. Investing in your wellness ripples out to your family, your team, your clients. Investing in a good mentor can literally quantum timeline collapse you from one reality reflection to an entirely different one.
When choosing to invest in support, choose wisely. You get to be discerning about where you put your sacred energies. I’ve learned the hard way by investing into places where I experienced the shadows of the personal development world / spiritual industry. (Ultimately, this was great too because it dropped me deeper into integrity and mastery within my work.)
I’ve also had the most incredible guides along my path who I credit for my success. We are not meant to do things alone, having the right support and mirroring is like a secret key that unlocks the hidden codes of potential and success.
Nurture Relationships
Business is all about relationship. When you truly care about your clients, they can feel it. Long term client retainment is literally about truly giving a fuck. (Also being really good at what you deliver)
Personally, my heart lights up when I receive an email update from a client from even years back. I care, deeply, about the women I serve. It almost brings me to tears writing it. I love these women and I they have my continuous prayers long after the doors to our formal work together close.
I see co-creation as one of the highest forms of intimacy. I see it as an honor when someone invites us into their inner paradigms to be of influence and support. It’s a big responsibility that comes with great reward. I think when you see business this way it becomes a lot more meaningful and regenerative to all parties involved.
Stay in Devotion
Legacy is a long game. If you desire to create anything that will sustain long term, understand that there will be seasons. Just like an intimate relationship — ups and downs are part of the game. This is why knowing what you desire and where you are heading is key. If you have a light house, you will stay committed even when the waves get rocky rather than jump ship and start fresh all the time.
And if you have a tendency to always burn it all to the ground and start over… you’ll probably notice that theme play out within your life, relationships and finances too. Practice nervous system work that allows you to feel safe to not only expand but also to sustain and grow. Graceful pivots are a code. (Of course, on rare occasion it really is time to burn it down and start over and there’s magic in that too)
Be grateful
This is probably the most important. Be grateful for what you have, and for what you’ve done. You’ve already impacted thousands and thousands of people on this planet with your art, your light, your beauty, just your being-ness. Recognize that boo! When I’m working with women, one of the questions I like to ask is “What is success?” and “How much is enough?”
I’ve noticed ambitious women tend to set large goals consistently, which is beautiful, as long as it doesn’t put them on the hungry ghost, adrealine chase for more, more, more. Having full appreciation and reverence along the way is so vital to regenerative legacy. Otherwise, what’s the point? There truly is no finish line and so much of entrepreneurship is about the journey. It’s where life takes us, the connections we form, the people we become through our work.
Being grateful puts us into the frequency of “it’s all here now.” Because it truly is. You can have big dreams and steadily expand, just understand there is no separation. So allow yourself to feel the gratitude and success like all your dreams are already here. Because in some dimension they are!