The Priestess Path
The Priestess path.
A walk between both worlds — seen and unseen.
A destiny predetermined before birth. Bridging the heavens to the Earth.
A call we choose to answer and train for… or not.
A lifetime of soulful service both in front of others as much as behind closed doors.
Psychic sensitivities and future visions beyond normal levels of intuition.
A willingness to go wherever we’re called to cleanse, purify and activate different portals on the lands.
An ability to alchemize collective wounds through our very own bodies.
A willingness to embody unconditional love, even for those who we’ve had to create necessary boundaries with as they’ve harmed us from their own unconscious shadow wounding.
To walk the walk in all settings — even when there aren’t “likes” and monetary gain.
This is the path of the Priestess.
When no one is acknowledging she’s still listening to the trees. When nothing is to be gained but only offered, she’s still there offering her prayers for the world.
When ego says “this way” but spirit says “that’s an illusion” she politely declines the invite.
This is the path of the Priestess.