Balance in Motherhood
Days of the depleted over-giving feminine are coming to a close as we remember - the whole world benefits from the goddess in abundance and overflow.
The great mother has been extracted from for far too long — and as the pendulum from the darker ages swings back into lighter ones: she’s asking to be brought back into balance. We can see her cries of “no more” through the natural disasters that seem to be occurring just as soon as our nervous system’s recover from the one before. We can feel her frustrations in our own internal imbalances — anywhere in life where we feel exhausted, overwhelmed, or burnt out from over giving our own precious life force energy.
Restoring balance on the planet means taking an honest look at the imbalance — not just externally but also within our own lives. harmonizing the masculine and feminine parts within ourselves.
As Mothers, we are literally the embodiment of the Earth herself. Nurturing, abundant, overflowing with wisdom and beauty. It’s vital that we feel resourced and steady in our lives so that we may continue to model balance for our beloved babies.
Below are a few reminders for how to balance out the energetics in your life… especially important for those working mama’s who are somehow juggling it all with grace.
Motherhood is a soul calling.
Some of us chose this path intentionally, for others it seems as though spirit chose it for us. Either way, if we’ve found ourselves on the path of Mothering — we are fulfilling one of the most sacred acts of service on the planet. The unconditional love, the round the clock care, the emotional maturity that’s required for us to act as guides for growing beings. Every single day that we spend consciously mothering our children is productive. Even though the world doesn’t monetarily compensate us, motherhood is some of the most important soul work that creates positive ripples in consciousness around the globe.
Motherhood is also not the only calling...
As women, our hearts are as deep as the vast ocean. Space for creative expression as sovereign individuals is necessary to our holistic well being. It’s important to also have an identity outside of motherhood. As much as our children benefit from us devoting to them, they also benefit from us feeding our individuality too so they see models of self love and nourishment beyond self sacrifice.
Creating balance in motherhood and entrepreneurship is a personal journey.
Some women have a strong desire to spend more time down on the floor with toys. Other mamas need and require much time in their own aura to be a strong pillar of light for their family. Depending on your energetic makeup, your human design,and your soul calling in life - the recipe for balance will be unique to you. Don’t compare your template to others.
You get to get clear on what actually feels good for YOU.
Eradicate shame and guilt for not being everything to everyone at every single moment. When mama’s happy, the whole family constellation is happy. Get honest about what’s not working and where you can refine to keep yourself out of resentment and in your alignment.
Reflection questions for mother entrepreneurs
What daily rituals bring me into alignment?
How much free time and space for myself feels correct?
Where am I leaking energy / where can I refine?
Who am I being when I feel like a pillar of light for my family? Describe her.
Personally for me, I needed my career to flex around my role as a mother - not the other way around. I also require much alone time so I can channel, cleanse my aura, be in my quantum studies and creative flow. Doing my soul work on the planet is part of my contribution to mothering - and mothering supports the way I hold space for women with unconditional love.
These roles work together, hand in hand.
It’s taken me years of playing around with rhythms to find my authentic energy flow that keeps me inspired and thriving — both as an attuned mother and a liberated creator and business woman.
And I can honestly say… we get to be BOTH.