How to begin the year


As we begin to set intentions for the coming season, it’s important to remind ourselves to let go and clear out - before calling in more. 

If we haven’t organized and digested what’s already here, how can we ever appreciate more on top of that?

This year, give yourself the moment you deserve to get present with your life and your beautiful energy.

Take out the energetic trash that’s no longer serving you. Let go of the energy vampires, distractions, and leaks on your life force! Purify your inner and outer spaces! Give yourself the love you deserve for walking the path you do. Envision what’s being created through the portal that is you. Focus more on how you want to feel rather than how you look to others.

Let it go

Purge your home, wardrobe, contact list, inbox, and to do list of anything that’s idle or irrelevant. 

Stagnant energy creates unseen blockages and fragmentation. 

Just because it was once for you, doesn’t mean it still is.

When you let go, energy can flow. 

Give thanks

Before setting those intentions and asking for more - take the time to actually digest your life as it is right now. Honor everything you’ve walked through to be exactly where you are. 

What you appreciate, appreciates. Take stock of where you’ve been focusing most of your energy, where it’s been leaking by focusing on lack, and where you can pour more of that life force into creation and appreciation.

Call it in

Only after we’ve released the old energy, is it healthy to call in more.

I teach my kids this law of flow. When we release old toys and share the abundance with others, more fresh energy will naturally flow our way. 

As you release attachment to the old, get clear on what energies you do desire to be experiencing in your life. 

Get specific and precise and call it in. 

Choose yourself

When you look around and see people embodying something you’d like to experience in your life: celebrate them!

Remember that mastery does not happen overnight. It’s a chosen path of slaying dragons, crossing thresholds, dismantling illusions, and not making excuses for why things are the way they are.

This year, choose you - and let your actions reflect that.

Journal prompts for 2023

  • Where am I leaking energy?

  • What am I now ready to release?

  • What am I calling in?

  • Which relationships do I feel cherished, seen, and celebrated in?

  • What energies would I like to experience more of? Why?

Let this be the year that you care more about what the energy in your body feels like than how your life appears to others.

This existence is a miracle of our own creation — and damn if we didn’t all die and become reborn a million times to be here.

Sending my love, prayers and magics for an even more expansive, heart opening, and wonderful next year of this collective dream.


Balance in Motherhood


Walking between worlds