Walking between worlds

There have been many times where I’ve wanted to exit this path —

“I’m done being a mystic, I’ll just be a full time designer now.”

I've wanted to just be “normal” many times.

Waking up in the night to prophetic dreams and premonitions, seeing and sensing energies beyond normal perception levels. Living between worlds, yet having mainstream society greet you as though you should just exist entirely in the physical one.

Meanwhile - being doubted for encounters in the paranormal by mostly everyone who’s not a seer themself.

It’s a full time job - the initiates path.

And it's not one what we choose, so much as it chooses us. At some point, remembering who we truly are and taking the steps to be embodied in that multi-dimensional truth is not just a luxury but a soul necessity if we want to experience the true fulfillment of being aligned with our dharma.

The calling doesn't go away…

We can ignore the signs and synchronicities, we can suppress our energetic sensitivities – continue to climb the ladder of “success” and create an image that convinces everyone else that our life is perfect… until our soul screams NO MORE.

Instead of trying to manifest this or that – or chase the next achievement to fill the insatiable void:

What if all you had to do was remember the plan your soul already made for this lifetime and simply have the courage to answer that call?

We complicate things when we look around at everyone else and let that condition us into what we think we need to be happy.

We free ourselves when we quiet the outer noise and come back to our own authentic soul blueprint.

Say “no thank you” to invitations / distractions unless it's in full heart alignment.

I still tend quietly to my businesses, vision cast and set intentions – and don't buy into the mainstream guidance that to stay relevant or worthy we have to always be producing.

I stay devoted to nourishment, alignment and self-love as the true meaning of success. Everything else, is noise as far as I'm concerned.

It's radical to live this way in these times - but so worth it in my opinion. Our life force energy is the most valuable resource that we have, and if we're not being meticulous with how we flow and share that energy, life is going to mirror back to us that reflection.

May we always remember our true worth

and what we came here to do.


How to begin the year